Friday, July 01, 2005

Ultra Sound

Yesterday, we got another internal glimpse at the baby.
Ok, our daughter. :) It couldn't get any clearer than it did this time.
Yes, I held out some hope for a boy. But our overall desire for a healthy human being is coming true, thank you Lord.
Now, I'm taking a look inside myself to see why the gender might be an issue.
I guess I'm a little scared of being the father of a girl - all the stuff I don't know about being one and don't want her to become (haughty or manipulative, for example).
I'll guess I'll do what I know is right, ask the Lord and others for help and pray she becomes an incredible woman of mercy, compassion, strength and leadership. Yes, leadership, even if that leadership is quiet and selfless in its influence.
Guess that's it for now.
More later.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

You will be a great Daddy! Trust me. You will love her unconditionally and she will know that and THAT is very important to a child's development. Much more important than all the lastest toys and fancy gadgets.