Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Not a fan

The Bush administration rightfully earned much of the criticism it received over its repsonse to Hurricane Katrina.
I also do think something smells funny about all the Haliburton contracts.
On the whole I do support the administration's approach to the War on Terror and I think people like Cindy Sheehan are a distraction to an effort which is right on the whole (I think the WMDs are in the hands of people friendly to Saddam, but that's just a hopeful wild guess.).
Anyway, I do have one significant bone to pick about the nomination of Harriet Miers - it looks a bit too much like cronyism.
If I were the president, I'd be inclined to nominate someone I felt personally comfortable with and who'd given me what found to be solid advice.
But the president isn't the one with final say.
She probably can handle the job but even though the lean toward bench experience among court nominees is apparently fairly recent, I think it's a good trend. I think the president is committed to Ms. Miers but will probably have to rethink his approach after she gets shot down.

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