Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Gel shoes and other stuff

Gel shoes
A few weeks back, my wife and a shoe store sales clerk convinced me to buy some of those "gel" shoes. I'm not sure what else to call them, except that they feel like foam insulation to the touch.
A friend didn't seem to think a guy wearing such shoes was a good idea.
I have no intention of wearing them outside of around the house, so I think it's OK. I wore them for a lengthy period for the first time today and I like them. They're comfortable and they're a step up from the ordinary household slipper. They provide support similar shoes don't usually offer.
So this time there aren't any hairline cracks in the fragile male ego - at least not over this subject.

Mike Wallace retires (sort of)
Dude, the man doesn't look 87, or even act it.
They played an interview Harry Smith did with him and he looks maybe 75ish. Wish him well in the semi-retirement.

Gotta go. Jadyn's up and hollering after an hour nap. Bye!

1 comment:

YankeeAmanda said...

Glad you like them, hon. I hate to say I told you so....oh, no I don't.

For the record, they're called Komodos.