Saturday, February 10, 2007

Riding the train

OK, a regular viewer of this blog says that sometimes I'm guarded in what I say.
I guess I've heard too many stories about being fired for what you say on your blog and I'm a little leery of that.
I'm not prone to hurt people's feelings typically, unless I'm on some kind of tear about something.
I've been hurt myself and it feels like crap.
But the train known as blogging is pulling out of the station, and it's time this wordsmith jumped fully on board.
I've seen an online magazine where they have a whole bunch of bloggers - from what I could see that's all they do. The famous (infamous?) "dooce" makes a living off hers. The new leadership of the U.S. House of Representatives held a specific "press" conference for bloggers.
The future is here and it's high time we acknowledged it.
I don't know what I'm promising except hopefully more frequent posts and possibly developing a real passion for the medium. I want to push the technology envelope! And the unfortunate part of making a name for yourself is promoting yourself, something that is somewhat foreign to me.
But I guess we have to do what we have to do to move forward.
All aboard?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Waiting for more.
