Sunday, July 26, 2009

Pondering the future

As many of you know, my wife Amanda recently joined the staff of as the online experience coordinator.
At this writing, the church – based in Edmond, Okla., part of the Oklahoma City metro area - has 13 physical campuses and Church Online, which is literally what it sounds like – a church experience, online; complete with a worship set, offering, message and fellowship (which takes place in the form of chat).
People are also available to pray with anyone who needs it and there's a person on hand to help with any technical difficulties attendees may encounter.
Her responsibilities include helping to build up the number of volunteers needed to staff more experiences and troubleshoot where needed.
As she progressed through her candidacy with the job, we expected we'd be required to move for her to take the position. It turns out the job is remote.
It took us a while to get our heads around the idea of what this means. Not the term, of course, but what it means practically. We're still working on it.
We really liked what we saw and sensed in Oklahoma City when we visited out there July 4th weekend.
However, even if we lived within a five-minute drive of the Church Online headquarters, the position would still be remote.
For several weeks, we've been in the process of determining what this means in terms of relocation – where, when and under what conditions.
We're grateful for the opportunity – and liberty – this new position for Amanda may afford us, both in the near and long term.
For any feedback or questions you may have, feel free to click on the e-mail link in my profile or send me a tweet. Many thanks!

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