Saturday, January 12, 2008


Sometimes, change happens in incremental, barely noticeable steps as we watch, like a bathtub being gradually filled with water.
Sometimes, it happens all at once - like a tornado.
About a week or so ago, I started listening again to the song "Changes" by Yes from their fantastic album "90125." While it's mostly a song about a relationship which appears to be at an end, it has some lines relevant to change in general. They've become more real to me as we are undergoing some changes in terms of Amanda's employment.
Some of the lines from "Changes" I find particularly meaningful right now include: "I'm moving through some changes; I'll never be the same; ... Capitalize on this good fortune; ... Only through love changes come."
The video to a live version of "Changes" is below.

The change began to unfold for Amanda Thursday around the same time a storm system bearing a tornado - which ultimately created tremendous damage, but fortunately only limited injury, to a community about an hour northeast of where we live - began its path through the area. The irony is simply too apparent to me to pass over.
A very well done video about the tornado's aftermath can be found below.

Speaking for myself, I'm sensing a peace about the road ahead. Though it is fraught with uncertainty, I'm trusting what happens in the future will be the best for us, even though the first few hours after the news hit looked and felt awful.
The losses experienced by the people of Caledonia, Miss. are in no way compared to the change we are going through (our house is intact, our cars are drivable), but the timing of both events taking place almost simultaneously seemed incredibly poignant.
Our hearts go out to the people of Caledonia. We pray they will get their lives back together and the Lord will provide for them the peace I'm sensing, that he will do a whole lot more with our lives than we can ask or imagine, even though it may be hard to see it in the first window of time after a life-altering event takes place.

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