Saturday, November 18, 2006


The PS3 release caused several episodes of mayhem across the land, including one shooting incident.
If this is supposed to be part of the Christmas shopping season, can this be any further removed from the spirit of the season?
Apparently one set of alleged criminals thought the PS3 crowd was a great robbery target. One guy refused to give them money and he got shot.
This is one of those cases where you have to wonder out loud what this world is coming to. So what if somebody doesn't get one of the 400,000 PS3s on the market. Is it really going to be that big a deal?
Please, let's reason together. This is NOT that big a deal on the grand sceme.
This holiday season, if you think there's something worth standing in line for hours - potentially risking your life - to buy, please think again.

1 comment:

Len said...

just looked on e-bay and they are going for between $800 and $1,200