Saturday, November 25, 2006


Well, since I was late getting started anyway, I don't think it matters that I skipped Friday in blogging. It just slipped my mind.
OK, Michael Richards shouldn't have said what he said and maybe he should have thought twice about getting frustrated with his hecklers in the way he did. But everybody makes mistakes and he should be given a second chance.
They even got Kenny Kramer, the real person his Seinfeld character was based on, to weigh in on the subject, and what he said in an Associated Press story was really funny:
"You know what the good news is?" he asked. "Judith Regan is now on a plane to California, trying to sign Michael Richards to a book deal: 'If I Were a Racist, Here's What I Would Have Said.'"
That's a reference to the OJ Simpson book deal, in case you don't know.

1 comment:

Len said...

Kenny Kramer's comments were so funny. Tonja and I both laughed when I read it aloud.